Special Publications


  1. Das, B. K., Mana, R. K., Bhor, M., Srivastava, R. S., Mohanty, T. R., Swain, H. S., Baitha, R., Ray, A., & Bayen S., Mapping of River Ganga: A GIS Perspective, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi. 448 p. ISBN: 8185482349
  2. Das, B. K., Roy, S., Johnson, C., Jha, D. N., & Bhor, M. Macro- Benthic Fauna of River  Ganga – An Essential Ecosystem Indicator, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi.46 p. ISSN: 0970-616X
  3. Das, B. K., Mohanty, T. R., Swain, H. S., Tiwari, N. K., Roy, S., & Srivastava, K.,. Plankton in River Ganga ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi. 312 p. ISBN: 81-8548239-X
  4. Das, B. K., Ray, A., Baitha R., Johnson, C., Bhor  , Verma, K. S., Alam, A., & Jha, D. N, Commercial Fishes of River Gang, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi. 170p. . ISBN: 81-854820-3
  5. Das, B. K., Bayen S. & Johnson, C.Socio Economic Status of Fishers of River Ganga. ISSN: 0970-616X
  6. Das, B. K., Tiwari, N. K., Das, A. K. Dynamics of Water and Sediment of River Ganga, (2024) ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi. 240p. ISBN: 81-85482-50-0
  7. Das B.K., Swain, H.S., Ramteke, M.H., Das Gupta, S., Tiwari, N.K., Kumar, V. Upadhyay, A., Prasad, S (2024). Indian Major Carps Conservation Plans and Fish Spawn Prospecting in River Ganga, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi. 102p. ISBN: 81-85482-60-8
  8. Das B.K., Bhakta, D., Ramteke, H., Swain, H.S., Das Gupta, S. (2024) River Ranching Guidelines, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi. 40p. ISSN: 0970-616X


  1. Das B.K., Swain H.S., Baitha R., Manna R.K., Chanu T.N., Ray A., Verma H.O.. Invasive species of River ganga. No: CIFRI/Pamphlet/2020/03
  2. Das B.K., Swain H.S., Ramteke M.H., Manna R.K., Baitha R., Jha D.N., Alam A., Thakur V., Gupta M., Das R.. Ranching of Indian major carps in river Ganga. No: CIFRI/Pamphlet/2020/04
  3. Das B.K., Swain H.S., Ramteke M.H., Dasgupta S., Tiwari N.K., Bhor M., Bayen S., Mohanty T.R., Roy S.. Ex-situ conservation of Indian major carp germplasm of river Ganga. No: CIFRI/Pamphlet/2020/05
  4. Das B.K., Swain H.S., Ramteke M.H., Tiwari N.K., Dasgupta S., Ray A., Roychoudhury A., Chakraborty L., Mondal S., Mondal K.. Fish spawn prospecting of river Ganga 1960-2020. No: CIFRI/Pamphlet/2020/06
  5. Das B.K., Canciyal J., Swain H.S., Alam A., Das S.C.S., Ray A., Mishra S.. Euryhaline fishes of river Ganga. No: CIFRI/Pamphlet/2020/07
  6. Das B.K., Swain H.S., Baitha R., Johnson C., Kumar J., Bayen S., Verma S.. Threatened fishes of river Ganga. No: CIFRI/Pamphlet/2020/08
  7. Das B.K., Manna R.K., Kumari S., Bera T., Swain H.S., Mohanty T.R., Roy S.. Common planktons of river Ganga. No: CIFRI/Pamphlet/2020/09
  8. Srivastava K., Thakur V. R., Verma H. O. & Jha D. N., नदीय परितंत्र में ऑक्सीजन का स्त्रोत पादप प्लवक, January 2020.
  9. Gupta M., Thakur V. R., Alam A., Kumar J., Jha D. N. & Das B. K., सुनहरी महाशीर : एक प्रयास संरक्षण की ओर, January 2020.
  10. Alam A., Kumar J., Jha D. N., Thakur V. R., Gupta M. & Das B. K., गंगा नदी की मत्स्य जैव विविधिता: संरक्षण एवं प्रबंधन, January 2020.
  11. Thakur V. R., Jha D. N., Alam A., Gupta M., Kumar J., Srivastava K., Kumar V., Srivastava S., Verma H. O., Verma S., Mishra S., Pandey A. R. & Das B. K., नदीय रैंचिंग,
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